Kurenai Ouji (Official)Chapter 96
Comedy Romance Shounen Supernatural

Demon prince Koujirou Sakura comes to Earth, enrolling in high school, on a mission to find the human who will threaten the future of the demon realm...and steal their souls! But with no clue as to this human's identity, Koujirou is at a loss. To make matters worse, the boys' dorm at his new school is full, and he's forced to live off campus with a girl! Oh, the humanity...!

Kokoro Kimiiro Sakura IroChapter 37
Comedy Romance

The middle schoolers Utahara Koharu and Hanaeda Yousuke are childhood friends, nothing more or less. At least according to Koharu, since Yousuke is dead set on making her his wife in the future and doesn’t refrain from telling her how much he loves her at every possible occasion. With Koharu being torn between annoyance and embarassment, this manga depicts their daily life and interactions with their families, classmates and friends.

Hanirabi!Chapter 1
Comedy Romance

Fumiko lives alone with her pet rabbit. One day she wakes up and the little bunny isn't so little anymore!